Cold Fear is a great game that should not be past on!!! If u like Resident Evil 4 u will love this game the same or mor

User Rating: 9.8 | Cold Fear PS2

The gameplay in this game is amazing and so much better then what gamespot rated it. The view is the same as resident evil 4 and everything is smooth and the environment completely amazing and will keep u wanting more.


The graphics are very good in my opinion. Everything is lush and detailed and is a competitor with the wrest.


The sound is good nothing really wront with it. The sounds will keep ur senses at the point of fright.


The value is as much as listed there is no limit to how much I will pay for this game. Just a hint!! I bought this game for 5.00 dollars at best buy. I have no idea why it was so cheap. It is amazing and new.

The only thing I dont like about it is the final boss is as easy as the normal monsters maybe a little harder.

I almost forgot to mention this game is amazing also with the way the boat rocks and u see the waves coming crashing over the deck. It is simply amazing.