holy crap resi 4 on the xbo- oh... wait....

User Rating: 7.8 | Cold Fear XBOX
okay i'll admit it i love this game, adn i like it better than resident evil 4!.

ive said it adn i aint taking it back!!!!!.

anyway you play tom hansen a ex navy seal -cum- life guard he has a secret thats... well still a secret even at the end, you are investigation a mysterious russian whaler that is dead in american water.
and wouldnt you know it its a ship full of zombies ,in a survival horror no less! what are the odds?.

gameplay this is resi 4 no question and works as well, so no complaints here, theres also the effects of the sea which makes running a scarier task as you could lose your footing and fall overboard with ease.
plus there are no save points, just a save option before each event, all about 2 hours apart ,as you can imagine this gets tedious as the game drags on.

graphics are cool, nothing spectacular, but a step above the other ''horrors'' on the market.

sound wise its very ''holywood'' and cinematic about it when your on the deck, creeping tones when inside.

also i should say the zombies here can only be killed by taking out the brain, and there faster and stronger than anything youve faced before , thus re-enforceing the horror element of the game.

overall forget comparing to resient evil 4, just enjoy it for what it is, an above standard attempt at the survival horror genre, and it scared me a little so it did the job what more do you want?

definatly a rental if not a buy if you got any cash to spare.