Solid Survival Horror experience...
We all know that this game "reminds" us Resident Evil 4. Graphics are alike, so do controls. But this time let's look at the good side of this game.
Gameplay: It plays just like RE4... Okay, I'm kidding. I found the story of this game really cool. I can't say that the storyline rocks, but it's really catching. Honestly, I wanted to know how everything will end. The plot is not very twisting but it's enough for a decent Survival Horror game.
Graphics: This is nice part of the game. The rain, zombies, your character, everything looks good. I can rate it 9/10 becouse right now, while I'm writing this review, I can't think of anything stupid in this aspect.
Sound: Uhh, it's alright but I've seen better. Soundtrack is good but it ain't hooking, voiceovers are good enough.
Value: It's short, I've beaten it in 8 hours and I don't think I'll play it again. But those hours was funny and good.
Reviewer's Tilt: I give it a 10 becouse I really enjoyed this game. I can't say it's perefect but I had good time playing this game. Plus, you can walk while aiming in this game (that wasn't available at RE4 :)).
My Score 9.1 Superb (WoW, not that bad, eh?)