Solid Survival Horror experience...

User Rating: 9.1 | Cold Fear PS2
Okay, okay first of all stop shouting RIP OFF!, RIP OFF! :)

We all know that this game "reminds" us Resident Evil 4. Graphics are alike, so do controls. But this time let's look at the good side of this game.

Gameplay: It plays just like RE4... Okay, I'm kidding. I found the story of this game really cool. I can't say that the storyline rocks, but it's really catching. Honestly, I wanted to know how everything will end. The plot is not very twisting but it's enough for a decent Survival Horror game.

Graphics: This is nice part of the game. The rain, zombies, your character, everything looks good. I can rate it 9/10 becouse right now, while I'm writing this review, I can't think of anything stupid in this aspect.

Sound: Uhh, it's alright but I've seen better. Soundtrack is good but it ain't hooking, voiceovers are good enough.

Value: It's short, I've beaten it in 8 hours and I don't think I'll play it again. But those hours was funny and good.

Reviewer's Tilt: I give it a 10 becouse I really enjoyed this game. I can't say it's perefect but I had good time playing this game. Plus, you can walk while aiming in this game (that wasn't available at RE4 :)).

My Score 9.1 Superb (WoW, not that bad, eh?)