this game is very bad its a terible RE 4 clone gone wrong. they try to pull of the carmrea angle of resident evil 4 and its so bad . the controls suck. the game sucks, the graphics sucks. and its just not fun to play.i hate when people try to imitate the great game of resident eveil,. i hate it even more when it sucks. this is a great example of a bad resident evil clone altogether i wouldnt even take this game if someone else gave it to you for free, that is unless you dont own a frssbee and want one. yes this game is that bad
This game is one of the best survival horror games i have played. I have played it through multiple times and still enjoy it for that fix. The graphics are great. Crushing heads never looked so good. Well exept Resident ... Read Full Review
Okay, okay first of all stop shouting RIP OFF!, RIP OFF! :) We all know that this game "reminds" us Resident Evil 4. Graphics are alike, so do controls. But this time let's look at the good side of this game. Gamep... Read Full Review