So much potential to be a great game.... but something was missing...
This game is actually pretty good because it allows you to move when aiming your weapon. So unlike RE games where your planted everytime you fire a weapom, you can manuver around for a better shot while firing. The graphics are very detailed as well, the water and boat look real and have real ocean movements. The creatures arent very smart and move rather slowly most of the time with a few exceptions.
Your mission is to find out whats going on with the freighter but it gets very complicated as soon you find Anna who is the head scientists daughter. She becomes infected along with you and the search for an antidote starts. Soon your aboard a drilling platform and the fight intensifies as the creatures get bigger and badder. Your missions change to rescuing Anna to bringing back documents on the research going on. Most of the time your searching through the levels trying to find weapons and items in order to advance in the game.
The creatures as mentioned before arent very bright but some are fast and some are invisable. Let me explain. The exocels are small spider like creatures that infect humans and turn them into exomutants. These are the human like creatures that attack with knives and guns. Even if you shoot them down you have to either finish them with a head stomp or a shot to the head or they rise back up to attack again. Then there are the exomass which is a giant walking crature with a large red arm, the arm being the weakpoint. These creatures rush and smash into you. The exospecters are invisable except when walking through water or steam, otherwise you have to look for their footprints to see where to shoot. The dog like creatures have glowing eyes but otherwise are very difficult to see and can attack from the ceiling. Unfortunately the biggest dissapointment was the final and only Boss of the whole game. The head scientist infected was large and cool looking but thats about it. He tries to stop Anna from setting C4 to blow up the station so all you have to do is shoot him in the back till he charges at you. You dodge the attack and he forgets all about you and goes for Anna again. Repeat till C4 is planted. Now its one on one with Hansen but the strategy never changes. Only difference is that when you dodge you allow him to pick you up and hit the button on the screen, a critical attack is done. Repeat 3 times and its all over.... way too easy.
Overall if your into survival horror you will enjoy this game, there is plenty of weapons and ammo to get you through with 2 ammo dumps and medical rooms. The controls arent easy to master but you get used to it after a while. It just seems to me that there wasnt much to the game, no Boss battles and enemies were not intelligent. Although dodging the waves while outside was cool you only did it 3 or 4 times. No replay value.