Coldfear, nice action game spiced with nice grapichs and some horror...

User Rating: 7.5 | Cold Fear PC
Coldfear, nice action game spiced with nice grapichs and some horror. Coldfear sounded quite bad, but as game-a-holic I bought it... And actully it wasn't an disapointment. It was quite good, GOOD. Me as the Resident Evil Remake fan, liked scary beginning, but man, when the shooting started and the bass music started--- BOOM, HEADSHOT. Blood everywhere. Actually being fair, I thing it automaticly aims for the head, because I never got so many headshots in any other game.

The effects mamma-mia it's the best aspect in the game, inside the horror, outside the stormy nightmare. With the moving whaler and the rain outside, it gets you inside the game.

But after the big thanks for the game, still something is missing, I never got the **** pants effect like in Resident Evil. And the camera mamma-mia the worst ever, if you don't hold the third person cam button, "u're going down **** It always kills you, the camping superüberskeletonzombiefreek, who comes around the corner.

Still Coldfear has nice effect, a cliché story(boy meets girl, something bad happens), supermonsters, quite nice music, bad voice actors. And if it would be a movie, it would win an oscar(thankyougod that it is not a movie). Only the blind black dude is missing, there is only a russian eye-glass guy who plays the "guywithlifeproblems".


So it's average game. Thank you... Nobody will ever even read this but whattafuck.