Great horror surviving game, beats resident evil in a few ways.
The game starts out pretty well, it definitely sets you in the "whats going on? whats happening here?" mood. It'll be a little while before you actually start the heavy shooting and understand whats behind all the monsters. Quite different from what Resident Evil gives out, placing you straight into that zombie torn city and just your ability to survive.
Cold Fear also gives you different difficulty settings, so if you wan't to just enjoy the game and not cuss every two seconds, it comes to be quite in handy. On the easy setting you'll find more amounts of ammo and health but if your not used to this kind of game, even at that setting you might end up running for your life.
The weapons you will have aren't that many, but they are all still pretty fun to use. The game offers a close up shoulder view that lets you aim easily if your not the 3rd person type like I am. It also helps with the scary setting, you'll definitely jump a few times while something screams loud at you out of nowhere and starts running after you.
The settings are pretty neat too. One might think the whaler is a pretty boring place but its actually quite big and a lot of stuff is happening. Yet its not even the only place you'll be in. But during your survival you'll have to backtrack and reach some areas you already have been in and that sometimes have even changed. The good thing is that you'll always get some sort of info on where you need to go and what is close to that area. Because of this your chances of getting lost are limited, though there is no actual map, every area has a name and you can always know where you are.
Though this game reminded me quite alot of the Resident Evil series, I thought this was much better. You always have somewhat of a clue of where to go, it's pretty hard to get stuck, but something always happens while you backtrack or access somewhere you have already visited. The only noticeable flaw that I can give this game is that the acting isn't as good as it should be. The final credits where of a bunch of French names I think, so I guess we can't hope to have great English acting and writing in it.
Nevertheless, good game, defenetly a must try, specially if you like the genre, also reminded me a bit of the movie "virus" if anyone saw it a while back. Creepy ship, scary monsters and ugly zombies. Enjoy.