Well you won't get any cold sweat form this, but nevertheless there are some thrills to seek.

User Rating: 6.5 | Cold Fear PC
No an outstanding game by any means, but it not so bad if u get it cheap and got a few hours to kill. I didn't have any troubles whit the controls (except once or twice), but I bet the game is easier to control whit a mouse than whit a game pad. I like the graphics they suit the game fine (but I ain't so demanding tho), especially the out deck ship scenes was fine and had a very good atmosphere. Music and sounds are ok as well, without making it to the top of the pops.
The save system is annoying – well sometimes it works all right, but often it doesn't and can force u to do to much again if u have some bad luck along the way. Heaps of backtracking and running in forced circles, but when u get familiar whit locations it helps of course.
What Resident Evil 4 has this one is is missing for a large part, no twists and turns, no awesome boss battles, not a very good story to participate in. In fact the final boss battles (the only real boss battle at all) has a so stupid game design that u might wanna skip it.
Anyway I played it and if u like horror games like me, u might wanna do that aswell. Controls does work good, cut scenes is fairly ok, weapon sounds and graphics also. And blowing a zombie brain out is fun enough in this game, just not anything remarkable though.