this game came out when resident evil 4 did so many aspects are similiar in this game. You have the same view as in resident evil 4 and you fight zombies but two things make this game kick ass you need to shoot the zombies in the head to kill it and it is way more scarier than resident evil. IN the game you start out with a .45 which is awesome. The game starts off on a boat which is half of the game right there and later on as you progress in the game you crash in a oil rig and finish the game there. Its kind of like RE in the sence that you are going back to the same halls youve been to 100 times to unlock a door that would give you ammo and maybe a key to get to another room. The objectives are really simple to understand but killing isnt...PLay the game to find out more cause its only 20 bucks at gamestop and there a rip off.
This game is one of the best survival horror games i have played. I have played it through multiple times and still enjoy it for that fix. The graphics are great. Crushing heads never looked so good. Well exept Resident ... Read Full Review
Okay, okay first of all stop shouting RIP OFF!, RIP OFF! :) We all know that this game "reminds" us Resident Evil 4. Graphics are alike, so do controls. But this time let's look at the good side of this game. Gamep... Read Full Review