Two kinds of a beauty!
The Up Side: The story will drive you to wanna finish the game. So, good story. The music isn't bad either.
The Bad: The controls may be a little difficult for some. No map. So you could find yourself wandering through rooms you don't need to be in. Fighting enemies you don't need too, and wasting ammo.
The weapons in this game don't stand out to much. You got your basic shotgun. Does good damage. It will probably be the gun you mostly use. Depending on what difficulty. And then, there are....
AK: Mmmm. An AK. Good weapon?! You can get that out of your head right now! Does ok damage to enemies. But i wouldn't wanna be caught with this weapon on the hardest difficulty. Flame Thrower: Woot! Yeah, yeah. Good weapon. Hell, great weapon. Not too much ammo for it though. Plus, you'll probably use it for only one kind of enemy in the game.
Pistol: Yeah, I probably should've did this one first. Anyway, yeah, yeah. You got your basic pistol. A 45. But strangely enough, doesn't imitate itself well. By that I mean, it doesn't have the power of a 45. Anyway... Good damage. It will get you out of tight spots when you've run out of ammo with all your other guns. Especially if you're on the hardest difficulty.
Submachine Gun: Good gun. Same effect as the AK. Yeah, but don't fret! Because these guns all work together. Meaning this gun will save you. Just like all the rest. Eventhough it's not so powerful.
Sawed-Off Grenade Launcher: Beauty of a gun. Very powerful. Use it only when you need to. You'll mostly be using it against mini bosses or really tough enemies. So save it, and don't waste it on loser enemies. Ammo is a bit scarce for this weapon.
Speargun: Meh. (Damn I hate that word or, whatever the hell that group of words are!) Anyway, the speargun will keep you alive. Heh, it's best used against mini bosses. Ammo is really scarce. It does do ok damage. But it's not all that.
All those weapons are yours. They may not be the best, but they WILL save you. Now go beat the hell out of those bio losers! Next, I will cover the fun, but annoying enemies. They will annoy you.
Uninfected Mercenary: Heh, their not all that. They will appear all over the place. They do basic damage to you. Depending on your difficulty.
Infected Mercenary: Tougher than the normal mercenary. These guys will charge at you, and try to beat the living crap out of you. Not all that fast, but fast enough to get your health low.
Infected Mercenary 2: Stronger, and faster. These fools don't know when to quit. Man, I'd hate to fight them on the hardest difficulty.
Exo Shade: Weird creatures. They are pretty fast and powerful. You can see them coming out of the vents. You will probably only see them in one part of the game. I'm talking about the area. So if you pass through that area multiple times, expect to see that creature a lot. They also have an death attack. You better press B a lot....
Exo Spectre: This creature is mostly invisible. Big trouble for us huh? Wrong! We can handle them! Check it, just watch for their footsteps, and fire in that direction. Simple. The are annoying. Just warning ya. Not too powerful either, but they can get ya.
Exo Mass: This creature was a failed attempt at perfection. Aww, poor baby. HA! Anywho, this guy may not look like your typical male model, but he can rape you. and by rape I mean, 'whoop your butt!" These things are what you save the big guns for. They are very powerful. Maybe avoidible too. Maybe.
Exo Nest: These thing aren't that powerful.... Well..... They aren't powerful at all really. They use their babies to do the job. That's right, their children will rip right through you. Not really, Exo Cels aren't much to fear. They can get to the ceiling and do some damage but, nothing to serious. Maybe if the difficulty changes, they can be a threat. Anyway, to avoid having to be in a room full of their babies, burn them with a flame thrower. You only fight one in a area it shows up in. Not more than once really. This might change depending on your difficulty.
Exo Cels: Chumps. Not all that powerful. But can be a threat. Not all that quick either. They can however get around quickly. The'll make you feel the real power if you underestimate them on the hardest difficulty.
Those were the enemies. Here are the characters you will see.
Tom Hansen: A ok guy. You play Tom through this whole mess. Killing is what you'll have to do to survive. And he'll be doing a lot of it too.
Doctor Viktor Kamsky: Damn scientist and you're stupid exsperiments! This is one of them. He's the main reason all this is even happening. Don't worry though, you might get the chance to beat him up.
Anna Kamsky: The beautiful Anna. Well to start, she's got a big mouth. You should here her a lot when passing by a certain room on the whaler. And more on. She has an spit fire attitude, and probably doesn't take crap too well either. Yeah, you guessed it. She's the daughter of Doctor Kamsky. Viktor Kamsky. She's trying to find her father through all this. Hope she can get him before I do.
CIA Agent Jason Bennett: Shady guy. Not too bad though. He helps guide Tom through this mess. He's in it because there is a little piece of info on the whaler that's very crucial to him and his agency. Tom might help him get it.
There you go. That's all I have for you. The game deserves a chance to try an wow you. Give it a chance won't ya? Rent first though. Just try to have fun and ignore the no map situation. Soiree gives Cold fear, an 7.9. Go get 'em Tom.