Nothing special and overrated!
User Rating: 4.5 | Cold Winter PS2
Honestly I really expected more from this game because I had seen good grades from others and even solid grade from Gamespot. First things I've noticed that it takes about 3 MB on my memory card but wasn't important to me cuz my expectations had been very high about this game. When I had started the game I could notice AWFUL graphics, resolution and textures. So I first thought is that PS2??? It could have been made even for Play Station 1 cuz graphic presentation reminds me on first Medal of honor or Metal gear solid :) When talking about sound and sound effects even those sucks comment and I had been trying hard to play that game just to finish it but I couldn't :( I have nothing to say about Cold Winter only I can say that I had expected more more more of it. There are numerous games that are way better than this piece of crap like Killzone, Black, Medal of honor frontline etc. even Medal of honor rising sun is better.....I feel sorry for this game which has big potential to be a blockbuster on next generation with maybe cold winter 2.....