My hopes and dreams, shattered!

User Rating: 5.4 | Cold Winter PS2
Let me begin by saying that i'm a huge PS2 fan, and I also love FPSs. I do realize that PS2 fans will never get to bask in the all-powerful FPS glory that is known as Halo, but at times I spend sleepness nights hoping that a true competitor to such a dominate game would someday surface on sony's aging console. Ladies and gents, the official release date of Cold Winter was just not that day. The gameplay is almost laughably sluggish. The experience felt when controlling the main character is pretty much the equivalent of watching someone attempt to run around while waist-deep in oatmeal. And why is there no option to configure the X/Y-axis sensitivity for the analog sticks? This should pretty much be a standard for FPSs. Graphically, this game could no doubt pass as a 1st generation PS2 game. The character models are painfully generic, and the textures are washed-out and bland. The game developers at swordfish spoke highly of the realistic physics that the game had to offer, and i tip my hat off to their valiant efforts. The ragdoll physics look cool, and for the first 10 minutes of the game it's fun to be able to pick up a wooden box and throw it across the room...but after awhile that just gets old. I'm pretty big on large weapon selection, and Cold Winter delivers in that department. Most of the guns are fairly fun to fire too, which is always a plus. Let me close by expressing how dissappointed I was with the online experience. There are big bright colorful on-screen markers that give away both yours and your enemy's location on whatever map that's being played. Where's the fun in that? Why would i want the opponent to know EXACTLY where I am even if i'm halfway across the map on the other side of a wall?!? That's a big no-no...I don't want anyone to know where the heck I am until I'm running across that person's sights, and vice-versa. If this game would've been a PS2 launch title back in 2000, it MIGHT'VE been deemed mediocre...but this is just pitiful.