A really good, atmospheric FPS. Lots of blood and guts so not for the young. Good replay value at veteran diffic
Cold Winter draws you into a murky world of espionage and terrorism.
This unlike most games video clips really does add to the enjoyment of
the game.
The gameplay is fairly standard FPS stuff on the PS2, the weapons controls are very similar to Medal of Honour games. But the sheer array of weaponry
and explosive devices at the players disposal is fun. Apart using assault rifles, large explosive charges or molotov cocktails are very effective ways
of clearing a pack of guards from a street. The environments are interesting
with many movable and destructible objects. The most impressive locations
are the urban ones where as with the best FPS titles, peaking around corners
and gaining access to high vantage points is key.
Finally, Cold Winter is a good, solid and very gritty first person shooter that can be replayed at a higher difficulty after a break and still be entertaining.
However, better not to overdose on the replay value too often as it is a gory
little one-man killing spree.