if you love the gory and very bloody first person shooter games with awsome campaign gameplay this is a must buy!!!!!!!
The game starts out in this prison like building in which of course you have to escape. You run through a quick and easy to use control layout (remember this is on the ps2) which I quickly memorized. I started out playing in the prison and came upon a guard which is where I met the girl in the first place who takes you through the viewing controls by using her flashlight. Anyways you receive a pistol which you might not think is very effective but soon becomes your "BFF" (best friend forever, but there are better guns). She leaves you of course but that does matter you're a so called "secret agent". After you receive a pistol you are soon acquainted with the Chinese , and soon they get quite acquainted with a bullet to the head. Now when you shoot people on this game it isn't your average little spray of blood this is like freaking bucket of it. Which if they are standing against a wall you can see. Most "M' rated games I have say blood and gore but none match up to this game. On the other hand you go on through this level picking up items which you can use to combine stuff like to make a lock pick or a bomb or some other helpful killing device in that nature. After you succeed a little in the level you receive a very well known assault rifle; the ak-47. Once you receive this awesomely powerful weapon you know a very large increase in the amount of gore, note that's probably why the gameplay somewhat slows down at times and probably why the game is mostly rated "M". In this game it is like no other. There are 14 different dismember able (you are able to shoot off limbs of legs arms and head) parts of the body which you can shoot off. This makes the game vey fun to play because just seeing someone fall down when you shoot them isn't enough for me to get excited about. I need the blood and I need the gore. This is what makes games interesting to me. I don't want to spoil the rest of the game. If you choose to buy this game you won't be disappointed. I sure wasnt!!!