I bought this game the day it came out and while I played it a lot, it was out of default. It is the only College Bball option for the 360. I was completely disappointed. No difference in the game from the xbox. Even the graphics are are a mere cheap upgrade over the xbox/ps2 version. This game isnt terrible though. It is fun. The crowd animation is a definite improvement. The players look a lot like previous generatons animation with a TINY bit of sweat added. The players jerseys move but it's not as distinct as you may think it should be.
As far as basketball, 2k won the early battle with EA on the next gen systems, but it has a long long way to go before their games can be called classic.
Some say its just it time for March Madness, I say they should have taking the time to work out their game plan and just go with 2k7 for November this year. If You are a fan of College Basketball or just love the ga... Read Full Review
First off all you will need to do to get all of the achievment points is rent it. Like I said before you will only need to work on this game for 35 minutes and you will have 100 achievment points. But believe me it will ... Read Full Review