Finally... A real review from a Real game player... ME!!
Some of us who use the settings to change things instead of bitching about something that the creators know can be an issue to some therefore they made sliders to adjust.... The sliders are pretty damn accurate and once you spend a few moments to tweak it out... you will find that the game is as accurate as it comes... The animations are silk or that other material that makes silk feel like sandpaper... I don't know if that is even possible but if it is... there you have the gameplay of 2k8... Mid air collisions... bumping the coach... bumping the ref... T-shirts that add visual flairs... forearm pads... ankle socks... nice hair I might add... The hair doesn't look plastid on like in the past... T-shirts doggone it!!! They bought back t-shirts... More jumpshot animations then you can shake a stick at... dunk animations vary depending on weight of your player.. body structure... vertical and dunk... drive the lane determines his willingness to dunk... watch your players foot position because if you time it right... he will showtime it out for you on the dunks... Layups look real nice... ball reaction is on point... The cpu always recovers loose balls??? not in my copy... sound should be a little less ambient... when playing in a small gym, the sound shouldn't carry as much as it does... They need to tweak that... If I am playing at packed gym that holds 1,500 it should sound like playing at the dome.... They are getting there... The sixth man is a nice meter but they did a better job of showing the crowd effect in the actions on the floor and the noise factor... The meter is unnecessary... good to have if you like those things to be indicated though... the all american training is fun distraction... trying to beat your record over and over does take some time away... it also teaches you how to play the game a little better... The 2 button isomotion bothered me at first but after playing for a while, it does make the game a little more control happy for the user... The maximum passing was very unnecessary though... It takes away from the flow of the game because you can and will end up forgetting to press the RB button and end up shooting and what not... Overall it makes no real sense and thankfully, you can change the controls pretty well... The presentation is pretty good... I would have liked to have seen more color to it though... its pretty informative and does provide joy when you want to light something up while playing the game and you know your team did work and will be talked about on the weekly show... I would have liked to have had a play of the week in which they donate some scholarship money to your school which come in the form of recruiting points... The pre-season games with the high school guys is ok if you have some extra time on your hands... doesn't really pay to sim unless you are using a powerhouse team that pulls in recruits... if you are like me and you enjoy adding a little storyline to your players and take a low team to the big dance... it doesn't really pay to do it... maybe after 3 or 4 seasons of winning and you get a big name, then it will help out... all in all, you can always recruit whoever and juice up their stats to managable and train em up so its all good... but to you stiff people who look down on us who play games for ALL their worth, you might find it useful... i would rather date and have friends then go through all of that but it may work for you... its a good system... I wish they would switch up the tatoo's in this game... I am tired of seeing the same ole tats... come on now...! This game is better than 07 in the sense of adding some things that once you play it for a while, you will notice it missing in 07... Is it worth 60 bucks... Unfair question to me... No game is... even when technology was huge chips and funny bleeps, they managed to keep games at 49.99... How much saliva did a nintendo game endure and how many dusty found under the dresser sega games keep us happy and they were all 49.99... turn your xbox from its side to flat with the game playing and you will a "sorry sir" victim at any gamestore and we are talking 60 bucks... So NO>>> but being that you love games like I do and thats the price, I paid it with a tear in my eye and a week later, its money I don't even think about so **cheers** to another good... no... great year of college hoops... after the MM08 demo... the rivalry has become like an old Tyson fight... sure you will pay to see champ fight, but you know that you are paying to see someone get KNOCKED THE @($* OUT!!! not a good boxing match...