I am captivated by this game.

User Rating: 9 | Colosseum: Road to Freedom PS2
I can't believe how much I have been enjoying this game. It has enthralled me like no game since animal crossing. I think what appeals to me could be a detriment to others. The whole concept is very streamlined (one could argue simplistic). You train , which reminds me of one of my other favorite games Monster Rancher, you fight and you get better. Thats about it. But its that simplicity attracts me. The gladiatorial fighting becomes complex because of the above mentioned simplicity. My brother and I have 2 varying styles of combat and that comes from the gameplay. I have always loved games that have the complexity manifest in the players hand then artifically manufacturing through button combinations. Little things keep popping out to intrigue me like beast battles, one on one duels and more. Tons of weapons are availabe to addapt to your style of fighting. There is even a little intrigue within the lightweight story. There is something that bothers me and that is the terrible little booklet that comes with the game. It actually omits descriptions of gameplay features so you are left out in the dark a little. Its as if they plan to have you by a stategy guide when and if it becomes availble. Overall if you like games like monster rancher, animal crossing and harvest moon I think you willreally enjoy this. But if you want cutting edge halo like gaming you might want to consider another purchase. But even if you don't like these games rent and you might get captivated also.