has many problems now

User Rating: 6 | Combat Arms PC
Well Combat Arms is out since July 2008 and now its just bad

Note:Im playing the EU version not the American version

Graphics:Not good poor animation and frame rate at times textures arent good netier

Controls:Well Done really easy to aim control and strafe does the job right like every FPS should

Sound:also good amazing sound effects and voices

Music:the ambient sucks

Value:its a free game but get quite a few

now 3 more elemnts that I usually dont talk about

Community:Awful many hackers,laggers,glitchers and crying n00bs
if you will play this game you will face a few kinds of people

Hackers(I know you hate them)


the n00bs split to few categories

"OMG-ers" those n00bs say "OMG" for everything like
"OMG Lucker" "OMG n00b" "OMG Hacker"

like if they never saw a hacker before in there life

"lol-ers" those say lol to anything even then they die whats so funny about it anyway

n00bs that blame you for hacking(many of them)

Connection:now here is the bad part the REALLY REALLY BAD part

the game lags alot mainly because many people are playing and many servers are full
well it is a free game but still this thing should be fixed
the first match you will play may not lag much buy after an hour it will be bearly playable if so stop playing
one big problem is the CPU that is being used in the "Cabin Fever" map in the "Fireteam" if zombies get in the game will crash(this is not for all users for some this never happend) then an error will pop up and say "ERROR - this server is a server of a different game" what the hell that is supposed to mean

Status of Your Character:
your character will rank up from XP that you will get after every match but not during a match so if you get kicked or you will quit you wont get anything which is very frustrating because a really good gun that you might want will be avaible only in a higher rank will have to wait longer because you cany get XP fast enough

you buy guns using GP(Game Points)
you get GP the same way as XP but much less

you can get special items using NX
but NX is not recived the same way as XP and GP
NX is bought with real money at that point the is not free anymore

Verdict:Combat Arms can be a great game but it sufferes from problems still it can be fixed

this review may be expired in the future if the most problems are fixed but in this time which is 1/10/2010

at this time the game gets 6/10