COMBAT ELITE: WWII PARATROOPERS--- The co-op is where this game shines, but it's repetitive gameplay holds back the fun.

User Rating: 5.5 | Combat Elite: WWII Paratroopers PS2
The birds-eye-view camera angle, the wide yet entrapping maps, it's old-school sensibility, and the basic joy one gets out of destroying a whole platoon of enemy soldiers in one fell swoop make this game a blast.

However, it's also the old-school vibes, tight knit levels, and monotonously tactical AI that create the frustration for this release.

In such times of revolutionary game development, some games just cry out for a variety in the action. The only time the camera goes down to the ground to pan around this or that in the map is for a makeshift movie between levels to give you a briefing. If it can happen then it can happen at an inopportune moment or a fantastically engaging one, such as: getting on an large gun to mow the enemy down, crawling into the enemy territory, searching through the woods to find the hidden enemy encampment. Anything! Just something enough to be jarring for the gamer so that they don't fall asleep at the controller.

In the end, this was an entertaining game even though that entertainment lasted all of (maybe) two and 1/2 hours. Pick it up if there's nothing left to run through and you need to kill time until something particularly exciting is on the shelves.