Its not that bad
AI path finding is improved, still i had some problems with disembarking. Also the game is running great after the patch(no stuttering anymore on my pc). When you have this game already but didnĀ“t try it for the last half year you should try again. God thanks this game is made by Battlecom. Its one of the few companies that realy care about costumers. Still there are some problems like the javelins etc but i can live with that(not 1 game in the world has no bugs). Still the camera controls are hard. But i realy have alot of fun now with this game. To bad this game is set in Modern combat and has a fictional war in Syria. I prefer WW2 combat. Also with the modules this game becomes better. The manual is not that good, you need to print it out. But these day,s all these games comes out with a pdf file manual. I,m missing the old day,s when games had great manuals