Comet Mayhem

User Rating: 7.5 | Comet Crash PS3
Comet Crash is a very ambitious, extremely detailed tower defence game which visually stunning. The amount of mayhem going on simultaneously, especially in the latter levels is almost incomprensible. 'Badgers' as I call them, are your basic scout troops but you need to finely balance defence and developing attack at the same time or you will either be susceptible to attack or have a solid defence but a feable attack - which allows the CPU to develop and upgrade its side of the top-down map with ease. The sound is spot on and the fluidity in which you can manoeurve your spacecraft is both ingenious as it is smooth. Using your own towers to shoot down meteorites which, in turn, lead to money for further tower development is a masterstroke.

However, the problems are this: One player was relatively easy to complete, even the additional DLC levels. On Versus (a part of the game I was immediately interested in) you will instantly know where to put towers, which ones to upgrade fully (pyramids for the ground, lasers for the airborn attacks) and the game ends up being a stalemate. My girlfriend and I were so proficient at Comet Crash that we ended up with a fully upgraded defence and pretty much a fully upgraded attack. I think the battle could've gone on for days but it just ended up being a farce. I actually think visually its a tie bewteen this and Savage Moon (tower defence wise) but the best one out there is still Pixel Junk Monsters (even if the title and graphics are a bit silly this game is an excellent challenge)

Worth a purchase but shame it misfires on a couple of fronts.