A Great local co-op tower defense game. Reminds me of Pixel Junk Monsters, except in space, with guns, and no turtle guy
This game is basically a cooperative tower defense game with an offensive twist. You and your friends are ships that fly around 4 different locales (7 levels on each in campaign, so 28 levels in all). for each player, there is a Power Core of you color. This is your base. You heal your ship here, your troops are based here (more on that in a sec) and enemy will throw themselves into your core for 1 damage. Depending on the level, your core could have up to 35 health, or only 1 in the "lightning round". To prevent this, your ship can build turrets, which are unlocked 1 type at a time.
Then, after you have constructed a defense capable of holding off the computer for awhile, you will want to build a factory to try and destroy the enemy core. The interesting part is, your factories will complete a unit every few seconds, depending on the unit. Then when you wish to attack, you use the right analog stick to select the type of troop to send. then, the selected troops spew forth from your CORE. This is important to remember when planning your early turret layouts.
To pay for your turrets, you will need to break open the asteroids that will occasionally float across the screen. As your ship is not equipped with weapons, you will have to use your tractor beams (R2) to grab the asteroid and hold it above some of your turrets for them to break open, revealing the precious currency (Thorium of something) that lays within.
You can use your currency to build more turrets, upgrade existing ones or build factories, which produce your units.The basic units are fairly standard tower defence fare. The light, fast scout, the slower, yet tougher tank. Where the game really starts to shine is when you begin to unlock the special units like the Hammer. Hammers are slow special troops that hop to move. when they land, they emit a shockwave that stuns and damages enemy troops near it. I will not go much further into the troops, as you will be pleasantly surprised when you discover them for yourself.
The turrets have several different types, which I will not get into for times' sake. I will however tell you about a cool offensive use the game lets you use your turrets for. If the enemy has a tough laser (Anti-Air) turret, you can fly over and drop a standard turret which will attack the enemy turret. in this way, you can make land grabs.
You (or more likely, your team) achieves victory when enough of your troops throw themselves into the enemies core. Your score is then totaled in a unique way. The game takes your level time, and adds a few seconds (usually 20 )for every enemy that made it through your defenses. In this way, perfectionists can spend hours trying to beat a level as fast as humanly possible and post their score to the online leader board.
Graphically, the game looks great, although you will probably have a hard time telling certain units apart, due to their simple artwork. Explosions and lasers flash across the screen, and hordes of units move out with no slowdown.
I have not really gotten into the battle mode, but as far as the campaign goes, I can happily recommend Comet Crash to anyone looking for a great local cooperative defense game.
Feel free to message me on gamespot with questions.
Crashingly yours,