Entering a comic and getting to do Kung-Fu!
Great for the time. On the Genesis this game was top notch and is still a well played game. Yep Just about every gamer i know still plays htis game from time to time. And the first thing they say to me when asked why is "The graphics rock". I can see what they mean the villians and characters are done like they are right out of a comic(which is good considering the story takes place in one) and when you defeat one they explode into peices of paper while new enemies are actually drawn in to take you out!
The fighting is pretty great in hte game, and the moves are varied enough for me to say it is pretty good with making some combos. The only thing i have to say about the gameplay is the Jumping! you don't jump too high and you can't jump that far. so it makes some leaps in the game kinda tough. You will probably miss one or two of them through out the first levels.
The story is pretty good and the controls are tight so all togather this game gets my approval.
So says the monkey!