One of the easiest RTS to pick up and play.

User Rating: 9.5 | Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars X360
I've played RTS since i can remember, Starting with C&C RA and Star Trek: Armada to Rise of Nations and now Command and Conquer Tiberium Wars. I didn't think a RTS for the Xbox 360 was going to be so easy to play, it really feels like I'm playing it on my PC. Only the thing missing is the click and drag, but still I managed without it. The graphics are great, i love getting in fire-fights with ground forces. The single-player is great, i love the live-action acting, get that CGI stuff out. I love that C&C is the only game with that type of cut-scene. Playing against the computer is, well fun, instead of the old C&C3 where the Computer cheats and starts out with a full base, this one plays fair and gives you a chance. Overall, if your looking for a great RTS stick with the name that has always delivers Command & Conquer.