Original C&C storyline, great graphic design, incredible gameplay, tons of fun! C&C is at it again!!! I love it!
The Campaign with both GDI and Nod was very entertaining, and imagine my surprise when I first saw Jennifer Morrison on the GDI campaign! That was a nice touch. But anyway the campaign itself was very interesting and challenging for, you know, a campaign. At any rate, I'm satisfied with it.
Now the game itself gives a whole bunch of new options to the players using the classic C&C system but without ruining it. Now every production structure is included in the tabs and gives the players the opportunity to build units from multiple structures and that's just great. OK, I know the same thing was possible in C&C Generals, but there were no tabs there. This is completely different.
Units with various abilities that make them unique in every possible way and very efficient. Base defenses were very dependable. Superweapons were... I'll say their powers of destruction are immense but they aren't something that should be used lightly. It takes a really long time to recharge so if you want to depend on them, think twice before using them.
I only have 2 problems with this game.
First is the Tiberium Silos. I know they were introduced earlier in the series, but that doesn't mean I like them. I should be able to gather as many resources as I want dammit. Maybe this just bothers me because I started with Red Alert 2 and Generals.
Second is the lack of resources. Within 10 minutes of any game most of the Tiberium on the battlefield will be harvested and getting money again will be slightly problematic. So again you should think twice before using all your credits. You never know when you'll run out. lol.
OK I'm done ranting I'll go play it now.