Great game that could be better.
This is the third installment in the tiberian universe of Command and Conquer. It chronicles the third Tiberian War started when Nod ends its suspicious silence by blowing up a GDI space station with many of GDI's leaders on board as well as many controls for GDI's space assets.
It features 3 factions: GDI and Nod from previous games as well as the new alien faction the Scrin who are here to mine tiberium but weren't expecting the resistance they found.
GDI is a steamroller faction They have the biggest tanks and best ground forces but their air assets are lacking.
Nod is very stealthy having many units able to stealth along with disruption towers hiding their base and a support power that can stealth any ground unit except infantry.
Scrin is the mirror of GDI whereas GDI is powerful early game Scrin shine towards the end after they have teched up. They also have the best air force in the form of space ships. This of course comes at a cost as most of their ground units can survive even against Nod.
The gameplay is fast paced with each faction having many interesting strategies and each playing very differently. The factions are relatively balanced after the latest patch but as Nod you will not be able to survive direct attacks and will need to resort to guerilla tactics.
There are three campaigns featuring all types of missions. The story can only be truly understood by playing all three campaigns as the stories are intertwined. The Scrin campaign can only be accessed after finishing the other two and seems kind of short though.
I honestly can't give a good critique of the graphics as they break my system at medium settings, but what I can get on my computer were amazing, there are ion discharges above the tiberian and rains have vapor trails
The music and sound effects are great. Players of previous games such as Tiberian Sun or Red Alert might be disappointed to know that the songwriter for those games wasn't available to do the score on this game, but it is a decent score and the Scrin music can be downright creepy the first time you hear it.
The GDI and Nod campaigns are will keep you busy for a long time and the Multiplayer aspect lends much replayability to the game through an integrated clan system and four ladders: 1v1 2v2 Clan1v1 and Clan2v2 along with unranked with up to 8 players in a game. There are a few bugs but if you find a reliable player or a friend you won't have any problems as the exploiters of these bugs are a low minority.