The third game in one of the largest rts series in gaming industry succeeds in bringing back the fun of C&C from 90'

User Rating: 9.3 | Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars PC
The footsteps that CnC3 had to follow in where gigantic. Possibly the largest RTS series in history was coming back after being dormant for so long. This time the developers were Electronic Arts. While many people hold bias and distaste for EA they came through in this game.

The gameplay in this game is fun and fast paced. It keeps the old CnC gameplay alive while innovating on it and making it even more fun. Also the multiplayer component of the game is a blast.

The graphics are on an engine that is showing its age but are still adequate.

The sound in the game is great with explosions blasting off and lasers sizzling everywhere.

This game is very replayable and features a great singleplayer campaign with its live action cutscenses and a fantastic multiplayer.

Overall if you like RTS or even want to try RTS out then this is a great game for you.