A great expansion to a great game.

User Rating: 7.5 | Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath PC
Let's get one thing straight, Command and Conquer are pretty much renowned for making a great Real Time Strategy. CnC3 Tiberium Wars was no exception, and the expansion pack Kane's Wrath certainly follows this trend. Kane's Wrath certainly does manage to keep up the live action cut scenes that (in my opinion at least) make Command and Conquer games stand out from the rest of the RTS games out there, although there is some really hammy acting on some counts, but that's par for the course in my opinion. The campaign can be really confusing, as it takes place before, during and after the third Tiberium War. You only get to play as Nod for the campaign, but the viewpoint is told from many different viewpoints. The campaign is really good, helping you learn about the several different sub-factions available to play with each of the races. The skirmishes are brilliant fun, allowing you to not only play as the old fashion factions, but also as some of the new ones and see the different units in action. Probably the biggest difference is the new "super-unit" each race has. This is a massive construction that you can garrison units into, and when used correctly can become an unstoppable juggernaut that can almost single-handedly win you a match. All in all, this is a great expansion to a great game in my opinion.