A great new campaign, with the brand new Scrin Race providing new depth to the storyline and multiplayer
For all of those familiar with Tiberium Sun, this game provides a great new storyline, and brings back Kane.
The new units are quite astounding, and the addition of the "intelligence" button, allows you to see the background of units and how they have changed from previous models.
Some players will be disappointed at the removal of the Mammoth Walker, GDI Hover technology, and the cyborgs, but in "Kane's Wrath", these are promised to come back. A dissapointing aspect of the game is the lack of Naval units. The maps provide water, and naval combat seems enticing, yet you cannot make any units that move on water. The campaign allows you to control cruisers, yet these cannot be built anywhere else. The new approach to stealth technology was satisfying, and a good NOD player can now utilize a HUGE amount of new tactics with its large array of units. The new commando for GDI is very micro-manageable. It adds a fun aspect of gameplay, and its very satisfying to control this unit throughout the game. The NOD Commando is slightly dissapointing. I expected for it to have a unique set of abilities and specialties, but it merely lacks a jetpack and has (nearly) useless stealth, with practically every base and army having some stealth-detection. The new support powers are very fun, with each faction having abilities which seem to fit what they should be able to do. Tiberium Wars introduced super-weapon based gameplay in some multiplayer matches, where players will often end up trying to build an ion cannon, nuke, or rift generator, or keep their opponent from making one while they get their army into place. A great new addition for skirmishes is the ability to pick the AI of the computer. Brutal is very difficult, giving it double resources, and the different personalties allow players to train their weaknesses, or exploit their strengths.
All in all, Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, provides and enjoyable gameplay experience, whether playing the well-thought out storyline, or duking it out in an intense online match.