Amazing, the best yet by far!
If you liked or even loved any of the other Command & Conquer games then why are you reading this and not playing C&C3?
This game gives you stunning graphics and great game play as well as much more, like the new race, Scrin who are good fun to play around with, but I personally still prefer playing as NOD or GDI.
You will find many differences in this game from the other games like Zero Hour and Tiberium Sun, first you will notice the right-hand control panels have changed, for the better I must say, but if you are really used to Zero Hour or Tiberium Sun you may find it takes a while to get used to, just like it did with me.
Then you will find the buildings have changed quite a bit, but it's pretty easy to figure out what's what and of course they have added new buildings and they look much better.
They have also changed the units and the main feature is grouping units together, instead of building man after man, they come out in groups of two's or four's, but some do come out separately, depending on which units you are creating, anyway, this grouping makes life simpler and easier. There is many more changes, but I am not going to tell you them all so to find out more either download the demo version from here at GameSpot or better still....Get The Game, it's a must.