It's a very nice C&C in a long time but definitely not the best RTS ever.
Now you play the game. As the developers from EA has mentioned, it's a very fast paced game. Yes, it is. You'll be building factories and pumping out Mammoth tanks in no time. It's got the fairly interesting story line, even though not as good as I expected, and lots of cut scenes. They weren't the 5 stars, top of the class cut scenes, but they were reasonably well done, and there were a lot of them, which I liked. Its new interface was also very nice, letting me to build almost everything I want to build without having to leave the battle screen. It is enjoyable and I still play the game from time to time.
Having said that, people saying this is the best RTS game ever kind of bothers me. This is not the best RTS game ever. In fact, to my standards, there is no RTS better than the Starcraft ever period. Well, maybe Warcraft, but not this one. The game seems to have a bit of balancing issues. It's not significant, but each faction has some unit which can just dominate entire game if you just make above 20 to 30 of them. For instance, about 30 GDI's Mammoth tanks with the rail gun upgrade can almost destroying every thing if not everything. I personally beat every single mission by doing this: build up my defense, build 30 Mammoth tanks with the upgrade, then win.
When you can do this with your game, not only it's not that fun anymore, but it also implies it's not perfectly balanced. I appreciate all the efforts and thoughts from EA, and it is a nice game indeed, but it's not the best. This is kind of game that I would play for a while and kind of just forget about it. I would go back to it from time to time but it's not the best game ever.
I would not mind buying this game, however, because it is not a bad game. I did enjoy it very much for the first couple of few hours, so I am sure it will do the same for a lot of other people. Just keep in mind that you will get bored more quickly than you expected.