The beginning of a new era, the EA LA command and conquer era.

User Rating: 10 | Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars PC
Oh boy this is it, the big Command and Conquer comeback. I still remember the time when people were clueless as to when the Command and Conquer series will return to its already established universes, Tiberian series and Red alert series. People wondered if there even is a future for Command and Conquer when Westwood was abolished. People lost faith when Command and Conquer: Generals and its expansion Zero Hour were not what they had in mind. And then out of no where, short video clips of a game popped out, bearing the title 'the next Command and Conquer' and shortly after that Command and Conquer 3 was announced, and with that the Command and Conquer community will never be the same.

Now as I sit here typing this review, I can see my copy of Command and Conquer 3: Tiberian Wars Kane Edition right on my desk waiting for me to fire it up. They asked 'but is it any good?' The reviewers answered with 90/100, 90%, 4/5 scores and players were screaming like NOD fanatics charging towards their enemies in delight and NOD fanatics they will die for this game, and this game will destroy other RTS games with as much power as a fully upgraded Mammoth Tank

But beyond all this a mark has been made, a saga has been born out of the dark void left by Westwood, the EA LA Command and Conquer era has begun and they said it loud and clear that they can make a Command and Conquer series worthy of a 'Best RTS ever' award.