C&C 3 Tiberium Wars
The learnin' curve was a tad rough-edged, but to be expected. The maps are good, graphics or otherwise, no matter what settings. I give it a solid 12/10! :)
Furthermore, for those with GDI against the world... Mammoths and Juggernaughts people! Mammoths cover ground and air, while the Juggernaughts pummel from a distance... though I've used 10 Juggernaughts to pummel an enemy from a distance without support, it ain't recommended. Said 10 Juggernaughts were pummeled from the air by Venoms. Shortly afterwards, I rolled over the base with around 50 Predators and 20 Pitbulls. Hope your troops aren't allergic to Tiberium, NOD's boys got lots of it! The Scrin... heh, alien chumps with big lasers... but, a perimeter of Storm Columns, combined with Planetary Assault Carriers and Plasma Disc Batteries makes for a hard kill without superweapons (kept EMPing them).So crank up the factories, start your barracks, and let the bullets fly!