Mostly very good ! Exept the annoying building placement options, a strange new race and small maps

User Rating: 9.3 | Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars PC
As a hardcore C&C fan, I was expecting a rather new faction to come up that could be plaid. I wanted to play the Mutants faction, but instead of creating that faction, a new overpowered faction has been created, the scrin. The building placement option is very picky and can be a major problem when an enemy is attacking you and you click the whole place to set the building but the map won't allow it, meanwhile the enemies already blew up one or two of your buildings, you get the the poiny.

The maps are small. Sure, they take long but it is always easy to find out where the enemy is, where in previous C&C games you literarly send out recon units to identify the main enemy base.

But those were the bad points in my opnion, now let's talk about the good things.

Amazing new units and very beautiful skins. You have the same feel playing this game like the original C&C1 (at least before the scrin showed up), GDI Units once again rely on heavy fire power to survive, where the NOD relies more on tactics (Yes and No, I'll get to that just below), but some missions you do rely on steath to infiltrate an enemy base, blow up what you seem is important, then sending in an army of mixed units, sending cheap infantry first, backed by tanks and avatars. Where in GDI a mix of mammoth tanks with upgrades and medium tanks will get the job done.
The scrin is a new interesting but somewhat verpowered race. They are great to play and sometimes annoying to have as an enemy, so get ready to reply some of the final missions many times. Graphics wise it is just slightly better than Generals, with otherwords, Graphics could have been better indeed for these days graphic cards and technology, but it is still good. The sound is excellent.

If you got a good notebook, this is a must have, since when you get bored in the airport, throw in the CD and have some amazing fun in the skirmishes.