I thought about buying this game in spite of it's reviews .. except one thing that I cannot stand. EA DRM. Apparently you need to be connected to the internet all the time when playing this game .. even in "offline" single-player mode. I like the idea of this game and it looks visually interesting. I own hundreds of games .. boxes and boxes. I'm in my late 30s now so I've amassed quite a collection. But now I am very careful to find out what the DRM requirements and restrictions are BEFORE I buy. Basically I don't like to support anything that essentially punishes the customer by getting in the way of their experience. After all .. we paid for it legit and want to be entertained .. not frustrated. Why should it be a point of frustration if we bought it? I don't like this kind of always online DRM which ALSO requires the disc AND loads all sorts of stuff on my PC. It's MY PC! While I understand a vendors need to earn a profit they have no right to invade my PC. And making me suffer through DRM headaches is just asking for me not to buy. I don't have time for it. Simple fact is those that will steal will steal. Those that buy will buy. Locks should be just hard enough to keep honest people honest. Anything else is just a pain for everyone .. especially legit customers. So .. thanks specifically to EAs invasive DRM on this title I'll pass. Thanks but no thanks. Voting with dollars and EA doesn't get my vote.
Other Helpful Reviews for Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight
CNC4 is not a Strategy game. It's more like a DOTA or LOL meets Mech Warriors game than a RTS. Why DOTA or LOL? Well, the crawler gives more the feel of a huge Mech Hero which can spawn tank minions, than a Strategy g... Read Full Review
Been a fan of the serious since the first game, red alert was amazing fun with friends, I actually dont want to speak to much about this because it really irritates me a company with so much money takes a franchise and d... Read Full Review