Hello EA? Do humans still work there? Is anyone alive in there?
In the first 5 minutes of the SINGLE-PLAYER game I lost my connection twice (and no, that does not normally occur to me). Is that EA's fault? No. However, it is their fault for devising a DRM scheme that requires a persistent internet connection. When you lose your connection you can't continue to play and no progress is saved. What moron thought that idea up? Hey EA moron, have you ever used a WI-FI network?
Sigh. I wish I could write a legitimate review on the gameplay characteristics and graphics and all that fun stuff. I really do. Instead, I have to write this review of the DRM, like many others have, because EA has gone too far. I hate Steam. I hate disposable software. I hate EA's new DRM scheme most of all.
Do me a favor - don't buy this game. At least don't buy it until EA patches it to get rid of the persistent internet requirement (unlikely). Never again.