Absolutely, horrible. EA, you are ruining a great series. Been a fan since shortly after RA2.
The storyline, great to bring Kane to the good side.
The long list of ways EA went wrong.
Fail on choice of actors.... so you brought Joe back, what about other characters from the old series. What about big names like you did with RA3? Even though the acting in RA3 was horrid.
Fail on Graphics... While it looks okay. It would be even better if EA dumped the color outline around selected units and went back to the old way. Ah la Generals. Health bars over selected units. The current way reminds me of comic books for some reason.
Fail on the new Interface.... Absolutely not a move forward! This UI is ten steps into the confusing, even for players of previous C&C games. Not a revolutionary UI at all. What a joke.
Fail for having to login EVERY time you want to play, even for the solo Campaign. With no way to save your password or auto login. No reason for this!!! NONE!!!!
Finally but not the biggest fail, though I'm only 3 levels into the solo campaign, no supply collections. The whole system of collecting Tiberium or supplies and using it for power and weapons is central to the C&C series. Why would you change this. I mean, it makes sense to collect something, refine it and sell it for money. Command points are confusing and un-interesting!