Never seen such a failure to read the community and make a game with so much positive legacy end with a thud..
First off the characters and factions are epic equal only to the management of Tiberium and base building. Now they are reduced to 3 types of play(Off, Def, Support), carry chunks of Tiberium across an imaginary line to receive points, capture unvaried points on a map, produce units like an idiot and kill the enemy. That is it, no real strategy just capture theses and support with enough mix of troops until the enemy can not win and the match is complete.
What really chapped my @s5 was the campaign. At least this could of given a solid story. Instead a crappy exo-suit rifle makes a impossible shot that ends the life of one of the most notorious video game villains.
Graphics : Fine, not a substitute a good story/game play (look at X3)
Vehicle variety : plentiful but poorly executed for making a massive army
Game play: boring, boring, have to play endless multiplayer or AI sirms to unlock any tier 2 & 3 tech
With that I have nothing more to say about the game...
The only hope is for a CNC 5 where Kane wakes up and it was all a nightmare....until then C&C ended at #3 when the Scrin raped us all. And the only nightmare is C&C 4 was money out of my pocket...