ABSOLUTELY EPIC! If you've never heard of C&C, then how can u call yourself a gamer???
Truly, if your an RTS fan, or just an ordinary gamer, then you MUST have heard of C&C before, then you MUST play it to believe its awesomeness.
The units are creatively designed, and have an array of abilities that aren't apparent at first sight (such as the tesla trooper powering up tesla coils), but by far the most cool (and frustrating if allies are your enemy) is the Mirage Tank... it disguises itself as a tree when motionless... now THATS creative!
The Allies campaign is relatively easy (compared to the Soviet campaign) IF you know what your doing. (i have never finished the final Soviet level) but even so, fans of RTS will never be dissapointed by the classic C&C games (classic = before EA ruined everything).