Expansion does not solve the problems that the original game had. However few changes made it palatable.
Campaign: Summed up in one word, CRAP. Probably the worst element in Uprising due to its extreme brevity and jumpiness, not unlike Kane's Wrath. Uprising is even worse tha Kane's Wrath due to the fact that it does not have a solid plt and the overemphasis on a company in game. Original Red Alert 3 had a better plot. The Yuriko Campaign would have been promising, but it was underdeveloped and was the shortest of the bunch. If Yuriko Campaign was developed more and was expanded, EA might have gathered more customers.
Skirmish mode: The new units are probably the best offered by the expansion. Unlike the predecessor, Uprising offers more Tier 3 units to play with, although reliance on such units might have been troublesome if multiplayer was present. AI is mediocre as they do not commit flank attacks or general assault on resource lines (which C&C Generals had) The maps are mostly recycled, with a twist added in the Challenge section of the game. Mediocre maps, excellent units.
Challenge: Although diverse, This push for the par time encourages early rush and little else. Challenge section is fundamentally flawed due to the par time. However, other than that Challenge is great. .