Best Command and Conquer yet! Great game and highly addicting!

User Rating: 9 | Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 PC
I have always grown up with the Westwood studios games. I had Command and Conquer and Command and Conquer Red Alert on release day back in the 90's. I played through 10 hours CO-OP on the soviet campaign and I love this game. I was a fan of Red Alert 2 but when the expansion came out while it was good a Yuri side really didn't make sense. I love the poorly acted (purposely) scenes with George Takai and Tim Curry.
There were some initial issues that I ran into, I was running a beta NVIDIA driver and my computer kept crashing. I went back to the latest regular driver and everything was smooth. I also had a CD key not valid error but was fixed in less then a day. The load time for menus seem kind of ridiculous but nothing a patch can't fix.

I didn't find the friend system all that hard. I just went into a lobby my friend was in and invited him.
As far as game play, it's a blast crazy units and every unit has a special attack. All 3 factions seem different but not overpowered. I am not hating on any of the people who gave it lower scores but seriously how much have you played?