Shoulda woulda coulda
Graphics of course aren't everything in a game but it kind of appears they went out spent a bucket load of cash on the FMV then someone realised they had nothing left to spend on the game.
It looks more suited to release 10 years ago than today, supreme commander it most certainly isn't, while the game itself plays okie, it certainly doesn't offer anything new and there's no real wow factor or innovation to this game.
I've given it a 6 because it's nothing really special, there's nothing majorly wrong with it, but then there's nothing majorly right with it either, and your left playing more for the cheesey acting cutscenes than you are for the game sadly.
It's kind of like going to a restraunt and being served a steak the size of a postage stamp, it may taste okie but your just left wondering where's the rest?
And with so many great example of this Genre you can't help but compare and this one falls very short, it's no supreme commander that's for sure.