his game is the best cnc since Red Alert 2; it took all the good things from the other cnc games and combined them.
The multiplayer is what this game is really ALL about; they took all the great things they did right in generals, all 3 cnc's and the previous two red alerts.
There are battlefield special abilities unique to your race (clearly taken from generals, and a great idea to keep), and it's old school style engineers, the ones that enter a structure, regardless of its hit points and takes it in a snap. Every unit in the game has it's own special ability, which makes for a lot of microing fun!
Seriously, if you're into solo play, this game is gonna be eh to you. But, if you loved the multiplayer in Red alert 1 and 2, generals and original cnc, then you will love the multiplayer in this game, since it takes all the great things from those other cnc games and puts them into one.
Did I mention it's a lot faster than generals? The movements and building times are not nearly as slow as generals' was.
To elucidate, buy this game if you are a fan of the cnc style RTS and can't get enough of the multiplayer YOU REALLY WON'T REGRET IT!