By all means, do not judge this game by its seemingly cartoonish graphics. It looks stunning when in full motion!
User Rating: 8.5 | Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 PC
There are several things that i really like about this game. First, the price drop to $29.99 makes me a happy boy indeed. Second is the visual style of the game, which cannot be done justice with a screen shot. The animation and beautiful effects make the game a truly fun experience. The added in cooperative campaign was also a surprising plus. This game may not be a supplement for RA2, but I, for one, am glad that EA LA is not afraid to try something new and unorthodox. The game seems well designed, and largely without bugs or glitches, and has never frozen on me or had any errors whatsoever. Unfortunately, there are a few low points. For one, I WANT MORE UNITS!!! There is not a whole lot of unit diversity, with about 20 units per playable faction. Also, the addition of sub-factions as was in RA2 would be a welcome addition. There is a bright spot for these two flaws: the new expansion that will launch in March will hopefully correct the lack of units, if not both of these issues. I would strongly urge one to purchase this game, or at least try a demo version.