Red Alert 3 is a well designed and very creatively crafted game. Although the series has spanned many chapters and subplots, what I have gotten from RA3 still feels fresh, new and tremendously entertaining. All 27 missions of the 3 Factions are well sewn together and fleshed out the continuing and very engaging RA epic. Mission goals are well defined, and it is up to players to explore various ways and tactics to achieve these goals and attain mission completion. Even after a single play-through, RA3 feels like it still has more to reveal and never quite outgrown its 'wow' factor yet. The various new and wonderfully balanced units offer many, many interesting possibilities and tactics to each Faction. In this aspect, RA3 draws you in and leads you to explore the numerous 'what ifs' during multiple play-throughs. With the expansion pack just over the horizon, RA3 is set to remain in our disc drives for many long nights to come!
Other Helpful Reviews for Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
I've been waiting six years since Yuris Revenge, FOR THIS CRAP!? I don't think the Westwood team was involved in this project at all. EA has dumbed this game down. Yes the premise of this game was always campy, but the g... Read Full Review
Sadly it appears most of this games developement budget went into the FMX cutscenes, The graphics are just as cheap and tacky and the main menu., and the first thing I thought after loading the fist level was is that it,... Read Full Review