With quality of production and style, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 arrives at the market as a game sufficiently varied, dynamic, with great value of replay, good new features and also some recyclings. It fulfills to its paper for its solidity and balance well placing themselves it the side of other excellent games of sort. It is truth that very does not go far from what already it was made in the series, being inside of that principle that says: "in teams who if is earning not it moves". This on the other hand is good, but for another one, it can dislike who waited revolutionary and deeply innovations. We recommend without contraindications for the fans of the series. E also to the novices, Red Alert 3 if shows an excellent beginning to enter the universe of the surmounting. Its a great game but i think i like Tiberium Wars more.
Other Helpful Reviews for Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
I've been waiting six years since Yuris Revenge, FOR THIS CRAP!? I don't think the Westwood team was involved in this project at all. EA has dumbed this game down. Yes the premise of this game was always campy, but the g... Read Full Review
Sadly it appears most of this games developement budget went into the FMX cutscenes, The graphics are just as cheap and tacky and the main menu., and the first thing I thought after loading the fist level was is that it,... Read Full Review