The 3rd installment of the popular RTS series is just as good as the others.
Although the vehicles seem to be jokey, hokey, and in between its still really cool. They made it seem goofy with the fact theres a giant transformer like robot vehicle for the rising sun. Or the Giant attack bears russia offers you. Also the fact the Allies are sorta to futuristic the ERS also.
The Campaighn mode is great, you pick between the Allies, Russia, and the Empire of the Rising Sun (ERS). The mission diffucutly's are varied from Easy-Hard-Medium and each gives you a chance to show yourself step after step in your skill level. If you like big explosions you'll like Red Alert 3 it offers the best Special Weapons given to you in any other C and C game ever.
The infantry in the game are very solid and offer you alot. The russians have basic soldiers, artillery men, and the attack bears that maul and paralyze soldiers. The US offer pretty much the same but they have attack dogs instead. The ERS have cool looking samuri warriors that pull out bonsai swords and mow down troops. The also have ninjas that sneak and lurk around taking out infantry easily.
All in All this game passes the Ryan approval for a great game. A worthy addition to any command and conquer lovers collection.