. my first experience with this game was a demo from an official playstation magazne. and i was hooked! after buying the game i was obsessed with playing skirmish mode and even got to play with a friend using 2 tvs and a link cable. we would play all night. gamespots review seems very underrated. comparing to my old ps1 magazines that give it around a 9. back in the day this was deffinetly worth a 9/10. graphically it looked standard ps1 , but the gameplay was so addicitve. i would play skirmish mode for hours on end, just trying to build the biggest and most powerful base i could then wipe out the enemies. loved it. damn i need 800 characters to finish it. aw well typey typey typey typey typey type type type type ...................................................................................................................................................
Other Helpful Reviews for Command & Conquer: Retaliation
I have never my self played the campaign in this game.. (expect the couple first missions) but they are not the thing why you should get your hands on this awesome game... Gamespot has rewied this game horribly wrong.. i... Read Full Review
I use to love playing this game with 110 maps for multiplayer over link up for the playstation. The gameplay was exellent i really dont care what people think of the game i thought it was exellent. Ok the story line wasn... Read Full Review