Hard to imagine it being better.

User Rating: 9.5 | Command & Conquer: Red Alert (EA Classics) PC
This is probably the first game I ever played on PC(15 years ago, and I'm glad I did). In fact, I ended up buying the Command and Conquer ten-game pack recently, just to have another crack at it years later.

The missions are plain fun, and there is plenty of variety, whichever team you choose. The skirmishes steal the show in this game. There are several ways to customize your battle, and no matter how many times you play them, they never seem to get old.

I didn't even know there was an actual plot, until reading this review. I just always had played the skirmish missions that you can create on your own, without ever even playing the actual storyline.

Oh forget it...

if you like this kind of strategy game, this is the first place you should look. Even if it is dated, you'll still have a blast, and spend a lot of time playing it.