The single player mode is pretty standard, but the real beauty of this game lies in multiplayer.
User Rating: 7.8 | Command & Conquer: Renegade PC
I love Real-Time Strategy games. When EA announced that they would be bringing the Command and Conquer series to the FPS genre, I was a little skeptical. I didn’t think it would work…. I was wrong. This game is great. The single player mode has a pretty standard storyline and game-play but is still pretty fun to play. You’ll play as a commando named Havok, a sort of hard-ass anti-hero. During the course of the single player campaign, you’ll find yourself doing pretty much the same thing every level: moving from point A to point B, killing NOD baddies and destroying things while rescuing various good guys in trouble. The graphics are pretty good and so is the sound. The sound is a little weak when it comes to the weapons though. Nothing spectacular here. That isn’t what this game is about though. It’s all about fun. The multiplayer mode is where this game really shines. Multiplayer matches play like a Real-Time Strategy game from a first person perspective, where each person plays a single unit. It is all team-based in Renegade. Choose to play as either the forces of NOD or GDI and win by destroying the enemy’s base. This can be done a number of ways, either by infiltrating the structures and blowing up the control terminals or by bombarding the structures with mobile artillery and other vehicles, etc. All of the characters, vehicles, and buildings are taken straight from the original Command and Conquer game. You have your soldiers, grenade-launching dudes, officers, technicians, engineers, tanks, humvees, artillery, helicopters and all. The possibilities are limitless, and with a little teamwork and thinking in RTS mode will make your team unstoppable. This game can be considered a hybrid of sorts when it comes to multiplayer. Where it lacks in single-player and overall appeal, it more than makes up for it in multiplayer. Although not an RTS, Renegade is still a great Command and Conquer game and I would recommend it to fans of either genre.